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iPhones Create New Category in Web Design

Announcement posted by Speedy Media 01 Sep 2009

Australia – 1 Sept 2009 - The increasing popularity of iPhones, and other mobile browsing devices, is paving a new path in web design.

Instead of focusing on traditional web standards, more designers are approaching a new style by constructing websites that are best viewed in iPhone browsers.

A recently launched site that features the work of Australian based webmasters, Webmaster Showcase, originally began with submissions into four categories – CSS, Flash, CMS and Mixed. Since its release just three weeks ago, it has seen interest grow in another area enough to warrant adding its fifth category – iPhone.

“By adding the iPhone category,” explains the administrator of Webmaster Showcase, “we are opening the door to the future of web design. With the iPhone, BlackBerry and other mobile web devices being popularised, the need for websites designed for optimal viewing in these tiny browsers is increasingly important.”

The website allows for Australian webmasters to submit their best designs in the appropriate category to be voted up or down by other webmasters and site users.

“We’re very excited to see what sort of interesting designs this new iPhone category will bring to the site in the months to come.”

About Webmaster Showcase

Webmaster Showcase is a website where Australian webmasters can submit their work to be judged by the voting public and other webmasters. For further information, including submission rules, please visit the Webmaster Showcase website at http://www.webmastershowcase.com.au.